Concert Season 2017-2018
student composers workshopSunday December 10, 2017
7:00 pm in Bellefield Hall Auditorium University of Pittsburgh Free Admission OVERHEARVarious locations throughout the neighborhoods of the greater Pittsburgh area.
Saturday March 24, 2018
7:00 pm, Bellefield Hall Auditorium University of Pittsburgh Free concert Donations graciously accepted |
student composers workshopThe annual concert showcasing works by University of Pittsburgh students in music composition. Come and hear music by the city’s top young talent.
OVERHEAROverHear is a series of pop-up musical workplace interruptions. Musicians appear in places where people work, where they may overhear our music as they continue their jobs.
OverHear brings live music and instruments to places where music normally isn’t. It is not a concert but an insinuation of music into rooms where work is occurring. IonSound Project also spontaneously crops up in places where there is a void of live music and where performances seem impossible to hold. OVERHERESome music and composers you may have heard on our pop up concerts, and more!
Music by Steve Reich, Michael Torke, Roger Zahab, Orianna Webb, and Maurice Ravel/Arr. Rob Frankenberry |